II - The Military Horses Driving

1 - The Choice of War Horses






       The choice of War Horses is always an essential thing for Cavalry.

       The thoroughbred War Horses the most prized by Far East Generalissimos in the bygone days were often horses called « Thiên-Lý-Mã » (Horses covering thousand of miles), as those of « Horses sweating blood » (the Akhal-Téké), or those of Arabian Horses, called «Heavenly Horses - Thiên-Mã», as the Iranian Jaf and the Arabian Purebred,  imported from far countries (Ferghana, Turkménistan, Kurdistan, Persian-Sogdian, Afghanistan) by the Silk Road. While War Horses prized by Army were chosen among those resulting from crossbreding with Horses of Northern Steppes.

       The precious horse purebred from Midle-East - that the Far-East call by Heavenly Horse (Thiên-Mã) - is choose according to 12 following qualities : Three Long Things, Three Short Things, Three Large Things and Three Pure Things.

       - Three Long Things are : 1.Long Neck ; 2.Long Ears ; 3.Long Upper Limbs.

       - Three Short Things are : 1.Short Back ; 2.Short Tail Bones ; 3.Short Lower Limbs.

       - Three Large Things are : 1.Large Forehead ; 2.Large Chest ; 3.Large Croup.

       - Three Pure Things are : 1.Pure Skin ; 2.Pure Eyes ; 3.Pure Hooves.

       Apart from 12 qualities previously quoted, this precious horse must have High Withers and Flanks devoid of flesh.

« Sweating Blood Horse Akhal-Téké » from Turkmenistan.

« Purebred Heavenly-Horse Jaf » from Kurdistan.

       In addition, the selection of Horses in order to train them for becoming War Horses depend on numerous difficult conditions citées dans le Sûtra du Cheval (Mã-Kinh).

       In the first intance, the category of « Chestnut Cherry Bay Horse having the Penis patched in White - Ngựa Tía Lang Lô » and the one of « Black Horse having the White Patch (White Star) on the forehead - Ngựa Ô Bướm Trán » are neglected.

       Then, the category of Horses whom the Coast presents « Harmful Vortex - Xoáy Xấu » as :
       1. The Vortex of Affictions at Eyelids level - Xoáy Sầu-Bi ;
       2. The Vortex at Ears level - Xoáy Tai ;
       3. The Univen Vortex « Dạng » - Xoáy Dạng Đôi ;
       4. The Belly Vortex Ventral of Colonic - Xoáy Đau Bụng ;
       5. The Belly Vortex located forwards the Acorn of the Penis - Xoáy Đầu Âm ;
       6. The Vortex located at the level of the thigh - Xoáy Đùi (called Posterior Vortex of the Sword - Hậu Xoáy Kiếm).

       After this, the Horses owning all of the « Four Pillars Vortex - Tứ Trụ (Four Pillars) » at Four Feet level and the « Nine Excellent Vortex - Chín Xoáy Tốt » are selected :
       - One Facial Vortex - Xoáy Mặt ;
       - Two « Dóng » Vortexbetween the Ears - Xoáy Dóng ;
       - Two Vortex of the Light Palate- Cặp Xoáy Minh-Đường ;
       - Two « Dạng » Double Vortex - Hai Cặp Xoáy Dạng ;
       - Two « Dang » Vortex - Cặp Xoáy Dang.

       Finally, the Horses owning « Rare et Precious Vortex - Xoáy Hiếm-Quí » are scanned as :
       1. Anterior Vortex of the Sword - Tiền Xoáy Kiếm ;
       2. Twin Vortex of the Pass - Xoáy Song-Quan ;
       3. Twin Vortex of Stirrups - Cặp Xoáy Bá-Đinh ;
       4. Twin Facial Vortex - Cặp Xoáy Mặt.

       Below, there are Six beautiful Horses which are already used to train Martial-Students of Võ-Trận Đại-Việt.

« Agabek » - Purebred Akhal-Téké with Dun Coat.


« Erindhawa » - Arabian-Purebred Horse,
from Spanish lineage, with Dark Chestnut Coast



« Hắc-Long » (Black Dragon) - Black coasted horse
resulting from crossbreeding with Horses of Northern Steppes

« Iago » - Arabian-Purebred Horse, from Spanish lineage,
with Bright Chestnut Coast.


« Sueño » - Arabian-Purebred Horse, from Spanish lineage,
with Crimson-Chestnut

«  Thần-Phong » (Divine Wind) - Bay Horse,
with a Black Stripe on the Back
, resulting from
crossbreeding with Horses of Northern Steppes



Department of Medieval Martial Arts
Võ Trận Đại-Việt

TRỊNH Quang Thắng






      1 – The Choice of War Horses

      2 – The Harnessing

      3 – The Horses Driving Exercises

      4 – The Training for Horseback Medieval Weapons Wielding



Bibliography :


       « Les Chevaux du Sahara - The Horses of Sahara » from General DUMAS and Emir ABD-EL-KADER, OLA Publishers, Ed. 1998.

       « L'Âge d'Or de la Cavalerie - The Golden Age of Cavalry » from Z.GRBAZIC & V. VUKSIC, La Bibliothèque des Arts, Paris-Lausanne.

       « Le Cheval et l'Homme - The Horse and the Man » from LUIGI GIANOLI, Denöel Publishers,.
printed in Suisse by Conzett & Hubert, Zurich.

       « Les Chevaux - The Horses » from E. H. EDWARDS, Prestige SOLAR Publishers, printed in HongKong,1992.







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